Friday, February 9, 2007

Writing Summaries

Summaries-- What are they?

Definition: a brief restatement in your own words of a text's main ideas (Holt Handbook, 5th edition); a condensation of an extended idea or argument into a sentence or more in your own words" (Little, Brown Handbook, 5th edition).


Summaries identify the source of original text.

Summaries demonstrate your understanding of a text's subject matter.

Summaries are shorter (at least 60% shorter) than the original text--they omit the original text's examples, asides, analogies, and rhetorical strategies: (Holt Handbook, 5th edition).

Summaries differ from paraphrases--paraphrases more closely follow the original text's presentation (they still use your words, but they are longer than summaries).

Summaries focus exclusively on the presentation of the writer's main ideas--they do not include your interpretations or opinions.

Summaries normally are written in your own words--they do not contain extended quotes or paraphrases.

Summaries rely on the use of standard signal phrases ("According to the author..."; "The author believes..."; etc.).

Tips on Writing Summaries

Step One (Prewriting): Read the article quickly. Try to get a sense of the article's general focus and content.

Step Two (Drafting): Restate the article's thesis simply and in your own words. Restate each paragraph's topic simply and in your own words.

Step Three (Revising): Combine sentences in Step Two to form your summary; Organize your summary sentences in the same order as the main ideas in the original text. Edit very carefully for neatness and correctness.

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